In drafting, different line types are used to convey specific information, distinguish between various elements, and enhance the clarity and readability of drawings. Here are some commonly used line types in drafting:

These are just a few examples of line types commonly used in drafting. There may be additional line types or variations depending on the specific drafting standards, industry practices, or the purpose of the drawing. The appropriate use of line types helps in accurately representing objects, conveying information, and facilitating the interpretation of technical drawings.


1. An exercise for the T square, triangle, and scale. Draw a 4in square and divide it with a horizontal line. Along the lower side and upper half of the left side measure 1/2in spaces with the scale. Draw all horizontal lines with the T square and all vertical lines with the T square and triangle. 

2. An interlacement. Draw a 4in square and divide the left and lower sides into seven equal parts. Draw horizontal and vertical lines across the square through these points. Erase the line parts not needed. 

3. A street-paving intersection, an exercise in starting and stopping short lines.  Draw a 4in square. Draw its diagonals with a 45° triangle. With the scale, lay off 1/2in spaces along the diagonals from their intersection. With a 45° triangle complete the figure. 

4. A square pattern.  Draw a 4in square and divide its sides into three equal parts. With a 45° triangle, draw diagonal lines connecting these points. Measure 3/8 in on each side of these lines, and finish the pattern as shown in the drawing. 


5. An acoustic pattern. Draw two intersecting 45° diagonals 4in long to form a field. With the scale lay off 1/2in spaces from their intersection. The narrow border 3/16in wide, and the second border goes to the end of the diagonals. The length of the border blocks is projected from the corners of the field blocks.

6. Five cards. Visible and hidden lines. Five cards 1.75in by 3 in. are arranged with the bottom card in the center, the other four overlapping each other and placed so that their outside edges form a 4-in. square. Hidden lines indicate edges covered. 

7. A Maltese cross. For T square, spacers, and 45° and 30°-60° triangles. Draw a 4in square and a 1 3/8in square. From the corners of the inner square, draw lines to the outer square at 15° and 75°, with the two triangles in combination. Mark points 1/4in inside each line of this outside cross, and complete the figure with triangles in combination. 

8. Insignia. Draw the 45° diagonals and the vertical and horizontal center lines of a 4in square. With a compass, draw a 3/4in diameter construction circle, a 2 3/4in circle, and a 3 1/4in circle. Complete the design by adding a square and pointed star as shown. 

Once you feel comfortable with drawing different line types and using the different hand drafting tools, the next step is to start with a single view drawing.